Tuesday 10 June 2014

Our Stories

Room 11 are learning to write stories using their imagination. They planned who their characters were, the setting, the problem and the solution. Here is their first attempt. I think they did an awesome job!

Once upon a time there was a princess. Her name was Green. One day Prince Boy saw a dragon outside the castle and he went outside the castle with his sword. The Prince used his sword and killed the dragon. They lived happily ever after.
By LuL 

Once upon a time the dragon blew fire at the man. The princess threw a rock at the dragon. The dragon’s face turned red. He ran to the princess. The princess ran away. The dragon ran fast…the man threw his bow and arrow at the dragon and the dragon died.
By ZS 

Once upon a time there lived a mermaid called Lily, Kamy the fish and mermaid Piny. They all lived happily, but when they were sleeping the wicked sea monster came. What would he do? He caught mermaid Lily. He went back to his seaweed home. He put her in the cage. It was morning time. Kamy looked around. No-one was there. He went to Piny’s house. He told Piny what happened. She told everyone, but everyone did not know. Last she came to Kamy. He now noticed where she was. She asked him. Lily was in the seaweed house where the wicked sea monster lives. They rushed to his house. They hid. They quickly got to Lily and tried to find the key. They finally found it. She opened the door. They quickly ran out and went back to their house. The monster was never seen. They lived happily ever after. The End
By SS 

Once upon a time there was a prince and princess. Their names were Caleb and Isabelle. They lived in a castle. They were sailing on a ship to the castle and one day the ship sunk. But then they saw a unicorn. The unicorn quickly caught them before the ship sank. The unicorn flew and took them back to their castle. They walked into the castle and something to eat and they had some water. Then they went back outside to say goodbye to the unicorn. The unicorn flew back to its home. The prince and princess went to sleep. In the morning they got up and went...to the unicorn’s house and the unicorn got a big surprise. The unicorn said “what are you doing here?” The prince said “We just wanted to say thank-you for saving us, we brought you a present. It is a toy”. “Can we come inside” said the prince. “Yes you may” said the unicorn. “Thank you” said the princess. “Let’s have something to eat” said the unicorn. “Yes’ said the prince. They had cupcakes, sandwiches and water. “Good-bye unicorn” said the prince and princess. “We will see you another time”

Once upon a time there lived a princess. Her name was Daisy. Princess Daisy lived in a castle. She was very scared of the big green dragon.

Once upon a time there was Creeper, Dragon and Spider. They lived in a haunted house because they were friends. They played until…Dragon blew fire at Creeper! And then… they weren’t friends anymore! Then the dragon walked away! He walked so far that he started to freeze! And then…his fire started to turn into ice! He called for help! But…no help came! It was getting colder! Until… he met a friend! He played with his friend and his friend was a spider! He played and played and his friend Creeper came to play. He came up to Dragon and put fire in his mouth! That’s all folks!

Once upon a time there was a robot, dinosaur and monster. They were friends. They lived in space. One day the monster found a map. It was a treasure map. One day he went to find the treasure. He saw robot and the robot asked “what are you doing?” and the monster said “I doing nothing, I am just walking”. The robot went away. The monster kept walking. He met a dinosaur and the monster said “I am just playing”, so the dinosaur went away. The monster saw the treasure and put it in his house. The treasure was too heavy. He met dinosaur and robot. They said “can we have some of your treasure?’ The monster said “No!” Robot and dinosaur were angry and they fought the monster. The monster said sorry and they became best friends. The monster gave some treasure to dinosaur and robot. They lived happily together.

Once upon a time a knight, kind of cyborg, called Redin was trying to deliver a baby dragon to a big disappointed dragon. He was hiring all his men to find his son baby dragon. The men couldn’t find it and he shouted really loudly…”FIND HIM AT ONCE!” The dragon shouted in anger. The knight was too late so he ‘hologrammed’ himself and said “sorry I was too late”. The he rode a horse, neigh! But a thief killed him CLASH! Clashed the swords. To be continued… Then he betrayed the enemy. “How am I supposed to get there now?” asked the knight to himself…He wanted to run to the dragon. “FINALLY!” laughed the dragon. THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER…

Once upon a time there was a princess and prince who lived in a castle with a butterfly. The dragon was a red dragon… and a big dragon… The dragon took the princess and flew to the haunted house.

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Rose, a mermaid and a boy robot named Jack. He loved both the girls…but he couldn’t choose both of the girls. So he chose Rose. Then the mermaid got angry and the mermaid cried and cried. She said “I don’t love you any more” Rose and the boy robot got married and they lived happily ever after. The mermaid swam off into the deep blue sea. The End.

Once there lived a ghost and he was very upset about this ogre that kept coming and knocking away on his door all the time. It is so hard for the ghost to work. Then the ghost got very mad and he kicked away the silly ogre. Then a silly dragon came and the same thing happened again. But they became friends, by the dragon putting the chimney on fire. They lived happily. THE END

Once upon a time there lived a ghost and a spider. They lived in a haunted house. Then a fierce dinosaur crept up at them. The ghost and the spider turned around and saw a dinosaur and they ran away from the dinosaur. The dinosaur ran after them. The dinosaur ate the spider. The ghost was left to get eaten by the dinosaur. But the ghost was too fast for the dinosaur. Then the dinosaur ate the ghost. The spider went down the dinosaur and the ghost went down the dinosaur too. They both screamed together. But the spider screamed the most, but not the ghost

Once there was a robot named robot. He has a captain named Jack. One day they heard the power go off. Then the bell rang. “Somebody has taken all the electricity” said robot. They looked on the I-computer-phone-touch-MP3 Player, a long word hey? Well, anyway, they saw a video game villain! “You’ve got to be kidding!” says robot. “It’s a video game villain, so Jack says…”then why don’t we destroy him?” “Let’s go for a ride” They hopped on their scooter, but FLASH the power went off! Robot says. “I heard it come from space!” So they flew up to space and saw a ship that said ‘VIDEO POWER”. “That’s the ship!” says robot. “Alright, let’s go defeat him!” They crashed into the window CRASH! There were robot armies waiting to defeat robot. Let the battle begin! CRASH! BAM! ZIGZAP! BOINK! *&#@%^* All the robots died in one minute! “Good” says robot. There was a door that said ‘VILLIAN – iveag” and lots of other letters. It was a code. Robot’s good at codes. So he fixed the code. The bell rang, the door opened. There was the video game villain. “Hold up” Penguin!” said robot. The villain turned around. He was not happy. “Robot, when we meet again.” Says the villain. They were ready to fight. “I’m going” says Jack. R vs V, robot versus game villain! Robot took his gun out. He shot the villain! “Hey” says the video game villain. Robot just had to give him one more shot. Boom! The villain is dead! Hooray, robot destroyed him. And he had some pizza. The End

Once upon a time there lived an ogre and robot in a castle. Then they saw a dinosaur coming and they ran for their lives in the castle. Until they heard a knock on the door. They opened it and it was only a baby dinosaur. The robot was so surprised that he broke himself on the wall. The ogre came to put him back together again. They lived happily ever after.

Once upon a time there was an elephant, a robot and a dragon. One day in outer space there was a planet. The day after that the elephant waters the planet. The robot got very, very upset. The day after that the dragon ‘fires’ the water. The day after that the robot looked down and walked slow. The day after that the robot said…Hey!!!!! You’re a naughty elephant!!!! The elephant’s ears are sore. Then the elephant looked sad. He has lots of tears because the robot shouted very, very, very loud.
By LeL

Once upon a time there was a Princess Rosse. They lived in a castle. Then Prince Row came to Princess Rosse’ home. They ate lunch and they played together and they slept. In the sea there was a mermaid. They kissed and they got married and they were a family. The mermaid got a big surprise. They bought her a unicorn and it could move. It could talk as well. “You can buy toys” said mermaid. “Yay! I can buy toys! Yay I am happy!”

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