Saturday 10 May 2014

Why Do We Celebrate Mother's Day?

Room 11 shared their ideas on why we celebrate Mother's Day.
Here are some of their thoughts:

- to celebrate how much our mums are special to us, we have to be nice to them and make sure they don't get mad at us on Mother's Day - IT

- because our mums are nice to us - LS

- because we need to show how much we love our mothers - SW

- to celebrate all that our mums have done for us and what they have helped us with - HT

- we celebrate Mother's Day because our mothers love us and they take care of us - AW

- to celebrate feelings for our mums - SJ

- because we have a special gift - ZS

- to celebrate mum and have a nice day - JV

- to make mums feel special - JW

- to celebrate mothers - LuL

- to give mum a card and we love them - HH

- to celebrate our mum - JM

- because our mothers are very special and to make them happy - JS

- to show how special they are and clebrate all they do for us - KS

- to make mum feel special - LeL

- to celebrate how special our mothers are - TC

- to celebrate how well they do looking after us and being such a special person, doing lots of stuff for everyone - AA

- celebrating mum's hard work - LM

- Mothers are special and nice - SS

- to say thank-you - EL

- because it is very nice to celebrate everything she does - CS

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